"In anime, the blood for anything other than minor scrapes, minor facial cuts, or a single dripping line of blood is never red... unless you're referring to the black ink used in the mangas. Then it doesn't really matter, now does it?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Anime is notorious for being full of plot holes and faulty logic. But anime shouldn't be blamed for those problems. No, it's the fact that anime is fiction, and ALL works of fiction have errors of this type. A writer could spend 20 years writing a book, consumed with putting together every small detail, and there would still be things that don't mesh perfectly. So why does anime get singled out?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Behold the three most powerful creatures in anime; an angsty action hero, a magical schoolgirl, and the all-mighty plot device god. This piece of wisdom is sponsored by plot holes."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Being an Otaku is not the same as being a geek. Geeks can actually turn their interests into a career."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Anime-based creations aren't copyrighted, they're fan interpretations."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The show Bleach disproves the common misunderstanding that Gingers have no souls."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Any guardian's just a worthless lock without a key. That is why Britannia is
worthless. Their armies are the full of the lock, protectors of the corrupt.
Their royal family is their latch, procuring the despair of the peoples trampled
dreams. You, the Black Knights, are the full of the United States of Japan's
lock, the guardians of the weak and defenseless. And I am our latch, that which
pulls together the guardians of justice. Their key was Euphemia, a cracked key
and a hidden poison personified. However, the lock of Britannia is as solid as
an iron coffin, and pure poison no effect on metal. Not until it becomes acid.
However, acid does not open a lock, it merely melts it. Our key, which had been
stolen, is the one that opens the way to happiness. I refuse to have the Black
Knights to become as worthless and corrupted as the Britannian militia. If I let
that happen, then any blood we spilt, all the loved ones left behind in grief,
everything... Everything would have been in vain. No, that's wrong... It could
never be called "in vain", for that would imply it would have been for nothing.
Rather, without happiness, we would simply replace those in power, and plunge
into an abyss identical to theirs."-Kathryn J. Blair, in an imaginary speech
created for the anime Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
"I can't wait for that Prince to leave. His version of the stereotypical douchebag snob voice is particularly annoying."-Kathryn J. Blair
"It's Dragonball Z... you should EXPECT screw-ups!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Goten is such an air-head."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Going to a therapist would NOT help Vegeta. All it would do is drive the therapist themselves to a breakdown, and that's hardly reassuring."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You know, I just realized Goku never DID figure out he was the one who nixed his "Grandpa" in canon, despite the later Oozaru transformations that took place in DBZ and GT."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I would like to take this moment to point out that Oolong originally wished for the saiyans approaching to simply be defeated... the Dragon then gave a half-assed cop-out, saying 'that is not within the power of Kami' and, by extension, himself- though apparently eternal life is. Besides, he COULD have just made Vegeta and Nappa's pods malfunction, or just out-right destroyed the hollow hunks of metal. Hell, it couldn't have been THAT hard to just alter their trajectory and crash them into a sun. Of course, there is that hole (I can't really say PLOT-hole seeing as Dragon Ball Z HAS NO plot) where Vegeta climbs out of his pod to blow up that bug-planet."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If you think about it, Naru (from Ghost Hunt) is a lot like Batman. They have the exact same obsessive tendencies and habits. The only real difference is the core of their obsession; Naru is consumed by his research on the paranormal, while Batman is controlled by the need for justice."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Gundam is the Star Trek of the anime world."-Kathryn J. Blair
"It really amazes me, that for all the explosions when the Freedom blew up, there wasn't a single rip in Kira's spacesuit or a crack in his helmet."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I really don't see why they think it's impossible for Kira to be alive after the Freedom's less-than-perfect descent. Greatly dangerous, yes, but not impossible. After all, it's not the first time Kira free-falled from the atmosphere- and Dearka and Izeak did as well, so his chances would have been pretty damn high. Personally, the part that would worry ME most is the Freedom's engines (or whatever) since that particular Gundam is fueled by nuclear power."-Kathryn J. Blair
"WHAT! Not only does his cellphone work in space, surrounded by debris at that, but Dearka had a way to contact ZAFT the entire time? Even for a comedy that seems a little... off. ...Still an awesome scene though."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You know, I've always felt it more insulting to the women Miroku DIDN'T ask his trademark question to. For him, not asking a woman to bear his children is akin to implying he finds them ugly."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Tokijin doesn't have a sheath. It just hangs in Sesshomaru's belt. Good thing he seems to have an aversion to chairs."-Kathryn J. Blair
" "Look, some villagers! They look like nice people." *transitional phase* "Hmm... In hindsight, the bows were probably a dead giveaway."
I don't think it was the BOWS that were the dead giveaway, but the sharp, pointy arrows. " -Kathryn J. Blair
"One brother has an inferiority complex, the other has a superiority complex. Is it any wonder their sibling rivalry bouts included deadly weapons?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Six of her family members were killed, but all that really matters to Ayano is her teen angst problems."-Kathryn J. Blair
"In Naruto, a ninja who doesn't use teamwork is nothing but an assassin. Unless their attack is unprovoked; then they're a murderer."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Every last genius in Naruto is insane, without exception."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The Chidori can be heard a mile away and only works at point-blank range."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Wow, Shino's a cutie... who knew?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"It's always bugged me that Naruto and Sasuke come back from the tree-climbing training and start eating only to throw up - then REPEAT the process several times. That's such a waste of food... aren't the people of Wave supposed to be starving?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Even if Asuma CAN'T come up with a plausible excuse for why Ino must NEVER go into Naruto's mind, she should still be told NOT TO... even if her sensei had to threaten the girl's family to curb her curiosity. Hell, Ino should have been warned about that before even being allowed to LEARN her family jutsu!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"The people of Suna are so stupid. If you treat someone like a monster because you expect them to become one, you'll quickly learn the meaning of 'self-fulfilling prophecy'. Of course Gaara would snap!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"For a village renowned for poisons, Suna sure is full of dumbasses. They keep trying to killed Gaara with brute force, despite the results being the same every time. Gaara needs to eat, drink, and breathe... all which can be ended with poison."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You don't know why that puddle on the way to Wave was important? The puddle was significant because it hadn't rained in a while, nor were there any signs pointing to another logically natural reason. With Kakashi's super awesome ninja awareness skills/deductive reasoning/justified paranoia, he figured out that chakra-laced water in a dry area meant there were ninja attempting to be sneaky, and even if they failed pathetically at that attempt, hired killers trying to be sneaky is never a good thing."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Hired killers trying to be sneaky is never a good thing."-Kathryn J. Blair (small piece of previous quote)
"All pranks are essentially traps, no matter the variation- NEVER underestimate a prankster."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Ranma thinks of himself as exactly that- himself. Only his body was cursed, not his thought patterns. Why don't fanfiction writers seem to be able to grasp that?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Man, Ranma's gotten depressing. And this used to be a comedy too."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Suzuka is like an anime Degrassi. I would say soap opera, but there doesn't seem to be anyone with amnesia."-Kathryn J. Blair
"No matter how many times I see/read about Aido use his powers, I always am somehow surprised he uses ice. A knee-jerk reaction, if you will. I mean he just screams "I Play With FIRE!", doesn't he? Besides, Kain would be much better suited with ice."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The people in Yu-Gi-Oh! are all completely retarded. Kaiba fires his entire board for trying to off him and his brother. Then, without charging them for murder, or even evicting them from the goddamn building, he goes, "I'm gonna go try out an brand new and untested technology that separates my mind from my body. And just for kicks, I won't even look it over first, even though I know that the guys that have already tried to kill me have tampered with it!""-Kathryn J. Blair
"I personally never saw a logical reason for Tarukane to hire the Toguros; teargas would have been much cheaper, more efficient, more likely to do the job, and less likely to blow up in his face than hiring highly dangerous demons. That choice was great for the plot obviously, but logic-wise? Not so much. Even less for their employer's health."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The only big problem that could possibly rival the fruitless Kurama and Hiei AS FRIENDS image searches in stupidity is when I start talking about Kurama and people start teasing that he's gay. I mean, it's not funny! It wasn't funny the first time, and it's sure as hell not funny in 2008!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"I know Yusuke's Mazoku form is supposed to be bad-ass, but he just looks hilarious with white hair."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I realize Hiei is a fire apparition and all, but I sometimes wonder why his hair never gets burnt."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I may be a fan girl of Kurama's, but I'm after his true persona. If I only knew about his Suuichi side, which is just too perfect and boring, I wouldn't chase him."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I've always had a biting wit... coming up with new material is hard for a smart-ass who talks as much as I did. If Yusuke Urameshi were real, I'd call him a visionary. Writers are a wonderful thing."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The guy in charge left. Something to do with the 'right' religion and paperwork."- Kathryn J. Blair
"If I wanted reality, I wouldn't be watching T.V."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I love how English is always a universal language in cartoons."-Kathryn J. Blair (By the way, I published this quote years before Team Four Star even existed; I'm NOT copying!)
"That was the worst name I've heard someone be called! And since I've officially been in the system since second grade, been to two group homes, and at least five mental hospitals, that's saying something. But... A FILLER VILLIAN!!! That's just too cruel!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"What kind of Chinese Emperor isn't Chinese?!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"What's so great about J-Pop? Why do the Japanese insist on making people with weak voices into stars? On a related note, the same can be said for most anime songs too- and THAT is unforgivable. It lowers the quality of animes like Gundam Seed to a small extent, where one of the four main characters is supposed to be a worshiped pop star."-Kathryn J. Blair
"What constitutes an author anymore? A 6-year-old could write the worst story
ever, complete with almost every spelling error there is, and post it online.
But more and more official books become 'online only', so what would that make
the 6-year-old kid?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Why do the only good forum signatures all have quotes?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Who hits a fan fiction writer up for money anyways?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"When a reader of my caliber is really inside the world of the story, being
pulled out just because of a mere spelling error makes the disappointment
devastating."-Kathryn J. Blair
"That's new. I've never heard of a Chinese man being mistaken for a tree
before."-Kathryn J. Blair
"It's not 'Ah, crap.', it's 'Ah, whorebiscuit.'"-Kathryn J. Blair
"I tend to feel bad for comic relief characters. It's like being born somewhere where your race, gender, or some other innate quality is considered inferior through no fault of your own."-Kathryn J. Blair
"There's something very wrong about a legendary bandit bringing a stray girl to a kleptomaniac help group."-Kathryn J. Blair
"When did it happen, I wonder, that everyone's one expectation for me was to
expect me to fail?"-Kathryn J. Blair (thought up while in a character's mind
"So the Kuroune imposter is run through with a bunch of bamboo blades, then all of a sudden comes a delayed explosion? I love anime logic!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"I never would have thought Kuwabara could foil Kurama."-Kathryn J. Blair
""Begin at sunrise"? Sunrise is a gradual process that takes hours... why don't ANY animes, or cartoons in general for that matter, get that fact?"-Kathryn J. Blair
""We'll never get past that!"
Speak for yourself. I can just fast-forward."-Kathryn J. Blair
"There are too many factors than could possibly be accounted for. That's why anime is short of logic- it's fiction, so there's absolutely no way to cover ALL the angles."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If they inform her she's in a dream, does that count as breaking the fourth wall?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Mokuba's only purpose is being a constant hostage." -Kathryn J. Blair
"Noah summons an arc? How original."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You're kidding... They actually made a translation side note for MANSION?!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"It just looked so wrong when Sagi's butt grew ten times bigger than the card he was sitting on."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I'm actually amazed at how ridiculous this whole episode is."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Weird how watching two cartoon characters about to die (ha, as if) made me hungry for soup."-Kathryn J. Blair
"So the water hologram doesn't drown him, but a holographic lugie flips him over in the air?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Umm... Did that cat just eat Banner's soul?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Instead of wasting all this time playing card games, couldn't the Nightriders have just gone out and bought a jackhammer?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"So, not only is this a clip episode, but the badly done flashbacks aren't even from this spin-off series where it is already season two?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Did he just change his pants on the spot?!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"They turned a prisoner in a pad-locked straight jacket loose in a stadium full of people to play a card game? What message is 4Kids trying to send here? Not to mention, the last episode revolved around the notion sleeping through physics class is no big deal as long as you believe in the luck of the draw... 4Kids turns one of the top 5 mangas (the original one) into pure crap to create future criminals and gamblers?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Wow... I can't believe I never noticed Yagami spelled backwards leads to Im-a-gay."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If Gohan learns to dodge, he will have officially surpassed his father."-Kathryn J. Blair
"So even the milkman is a long-lost Saiyan? Figures."-Kathryn J. Blair
"So-called "ultimate" attacks can be misleading. The one called "Saotome Ultimate Final Attack" consists of running away until you figure out a way to beat your opponent or actually get away and train to fight another day. Then you have endless different kinds where they are only the "ultimate" attack until the writers think up a new one. And then you have the one most often applied at anime conventions: "Fangirl Ultimate Attack: Glomp of Doom!""-Kathryn J. Blair
"Great, a whining dragon."-Kathryn J. Blair
"It's good to see the age-old practice of embarrassing your younger sibling is universal."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Huh. I just realized that Yugi's japanese voice actor is the guy who did Shinn Asuka in Gundam Seed Destiny. Talk about polar opposites- there isn't a single emo in all of Narutoverse half as annoying as that Shinn bastard."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Do pregnant men still experience morning sickness?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Kitsunes are kind of like vampires; they have several established stereotypes, many of which contradict the others, yet maintain the overall image."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Too bad the Spanish subtitles are all Greek to me."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Meh, keh, feh, blarg and all that good stuff. Oh, and spinning eyes."-Kathryn J. Blair
"'Fate' is a handy plot-device in fiction. In reality, it's just a major cop-out. Get over yourself, Neji."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If you think about it, the Sharingan is like an all-purpose giant-ass plot device. Writers think up a new jutsu? Create a few random blurs, pass them off as hand seals, and BAM! DATTEBAYO! Instant new move with nothing more than maybe a mission flashback or backstory required. Need to bend the rules of physics is some ridiculous way? WHAM! SHANNARO! The Mangekyou has new twist, enjoy!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"For a clan that prides themselves on seeing all, the Hyuuga are rather blind when looking outside."-Kathryn J. Blair
"How did you keep Yoko Kurama in character, given that his was never officially set up outside the preconceptions of others?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"I'm a bit disappointed you didn't make a Hiei/Kurt parallel. I mean, both their mother's threw them off a cliff (or a floating iceberg) for the reason that neither fit the norm."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Hey, if there are time limits, could Mirai Trunks hypothetically be revived by his timeline's Dragonballs? Especially assuming they only resurrect each person just once like the original set."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Shikamaru's intelligence is his main weapon, more than any tool or jutsu."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Shikamaru isn't one to issue ever idle threats, strategic bluffs aside. If he makes a threat, whether minor or severe, out of battle, he WILL follow through."-Kathryn J. Blair
" "Was someone going to come and whisk her away, some mysterious man... away from everything that she knew and loved and into something more exciting?"
I think time-traveling into a Feudal Japan with demons and misc. would actually be great deal more exciting than the world of Naruto, especially since Kagome can't use chakra and there doesn't seem to be a big calling for mikos there."-Kathryn J. Blair
" "Well, if you need advice, I'm sure we could give it to you," suggested Kakashi with a grin, his eyes closing pleasantly. "Sakura is a girl, and I'm sure Sasuke could give you information about how arranged marriages work via his clan, and Sai... well... yeah."
Sai's "advice" is to tell Naruto what he should never say."-Kathryn J. Blair
"No matter what, there are lines Naruto never crosses. Not even when it is a good idea, hence him never pointing out to Sasuke how stupid it is to do what the oh-so hated object of his favorite revenge obsession told him to do over his parent's corpses."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You'd think Clan Heads would have better things to do with their free time."-Kathryn J. Blair
" "And while Obito grinned back, inside he really did wonder how the kid could still smile like that."
I'd say it's rather obvious. All the blows to his head gave Naruto brain damage. And shoved any possible sticks out before they reached his ass."-Kathryn J. Blair
"They were out cold... why the hell didn't the two S-Class missing-nin and sociopathic genius just slit their throats?"
"Inside the fourth wall, I think that Haku IS a girl."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Gaara of the Desert, the new Light Yagami."-Kathryn J. Blair
"There shouldn't be enough of a body to lay on the ground, just some crushed genin-goo."-Kathryn J. Blair
"There's no such thing as "a little sand" in the SAND village... The fact that they live in a freaking desert is why Gaara was untouchable, no thanks to his assassins. Of course, it helped that Suna's full of idiots; for a village of shinobi famous for poisons, they sure don't practice what they preach."-Kathryn J. Blair
"A note on the sexiness of Shippuden characters and you forgot GAARA? The sexiest of them all?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Itachi had full use of his hands and he didn't use a jutsu? There's got to be DOZENS of jutsus for teleporting alone! And even if he doesn't know where he'll end up, he could still just move around underground? And why the hell did Orochimaru have a casket there? He doesn't seem the type to bury the dead- not that I blame him; with all his weird-ass experiments, burning bodies sounds like the way to go. Plus, who carried it there and did the digging? Orochimaru would never lower himself to doing manual labor. Kabuto's the only he'd trust in a murder attempt of Itachi, even if the guy was already half dead on top of a fatal illness- but considering it was Kabuto who came back and UNBURIED him, that doesn't seem likely... what was the point of burying him in the first place if he was just going to dig him back up? Ahh... I'm glad I got that off my chest, it feels somewhat lighter. Thanks for listening to my rant on reasons why coffins don't keep S-class nins captive well."-Kathryn J. Blair
"A smug Uchiha? How is that different than simply saying AN Uchiha?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Wait, why is Sango in Hell? The only thing I can think of is the slaying she did, and Kagome didn't get any flack for that... although, maybe Miroku's Wind Tunnel is a portal to Hell and she didn't leave his side as he got sucked in? That would explain Miroku, too. I mean, sure he's a pervert, thief, con-artist, consummate liar (and more) but he was also a monk, and not the kind that used dark magic."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I don't know HOW they thought "surprising" a paranoid missing-nin was a good idea."-Kathryn J. Blair
""Sasuke" is synonymous with "emo-angst"."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You know, Naruto HAS TO have so much brain damage it's amazing that he can still be... alive, really. I mean, he gets hit on the head regularly by a girl who can punch through boulders! In a case like that, 'idiot' could be a compliment!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Geez, what is it with you and yaoi? If EVERY guy in Konoha is gay, where is the next generation gonna come from... And now I'm too invested in the story to stop reading!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"With the average life span of a ninja, I'm pretty sure 18 is at least a couple years above legal."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Gaara has a demon whispering in his ear while his father sends assassins after him, but Sasuke betrays a village of people who cater to his whims so he can follow the advice of his parent's murderer. Gaara is a tortured soul, Sasuke's just a massive dick."-Kathryn J. Blair
"For all that Orochimaru is an insane pedophile, he knows a LOT about how bodies work... and he would know that 5-year-olds aren't CAPABLE of lust!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"To be fair, a dead human's body is just as much a slab of meat as that pigs'. And due to his isolation, Zetsu's perspective is completely objective and he would be unable to know the difference made by any morals between the meat of a sentient being and an aware but not SELF-aware being. Given the circumstances, I'd actually find stranger by far if he DIDN'T try to eat the bodies in front of him."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Sasuke had just come through the door to make sure his fully-grown teacher had delivered the message before heading back to the Road of Life."-Kathryn J. Blair
"And it was on that day that while Orochimaru really WASN'T a pedophile, Kabuto felt 12 was old enough "play Doctor"."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I love the idea of Naruto using his Therapy Jutsu on Itachi."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Kagome was kidnapped? How shocking - and it only took 84 chapters too!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Sasuke is still technically a genin... *points at screen with the emo-freak's picture* Ha ha!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Actually, Sai HAS seen Naruto's penis. It happened at the hot springs just before the start of their very fist mission together, which pretty much SHOULD have nipped all the "dickless" comments in the bud... though that obviously didn't happen."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Soulcest? It's just SO wrong that concept even exists."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Hm... didn't Ash Ketch'em have the same voice actor as Sailor Jupiter for a while? ... I'm suddenly reminded of why I hate channel-flipping."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Since when did the Sharingan become the Byakugan? Seeing THROUGH stuff is the Hyuuga's gig."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Leave it to Naruto to turn Zabuza's intimidation attempt into a joke."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Actually, I have read other fics where Ino got Naruto through the first exam, but she comes out of worse for the wear thanks to the Kyuubi. That would have a giant impact on the plot, which is obviously why I've only seen it in Demonic!Naruto and darker Naruto fics... and no one would want go through whole reality-questioning if Ino's mental-self gets eaten."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Tell your sister a previously stanch anti-yaoi otaku said to stop muse-blocking you! Honestly, until I read your stuff- particularly Online- I was EXTREMELY anti-yaoi. For many separate reasons. But then I read your stuff, and soon I hunted and ate up SasuNaru's like crazy!"-Kathryn J. Blair (Kurama's Foxy Rose to Juura99)
"What Temari seems to fail to notice is that Shikamaru essentially out-smarted Chunin who have lots of experience finding kids skipping class when he was only seven."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I DO have a theory on Naruto's age vs. the three failed test thing: it's bi-annual instead of just annual. Of course, another theory is the writers just didn't give a crap."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I was WONDERING where all of Deidara's yeahs (or uns) were last chapter. He's just not the same without them."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I wonder if Edward would think Naruto's crush on Sakura might be partially his fault (like bad parenting or something) passing along a preference for women who hit him with blunt objects- although a wrench isn't as bad as a fist that can shatter boulders."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You know, Naruto SHOULD have left the city, taking Sasuke with him. I mean, I get how he wanted to stay with the one he loves more than anything, but from the view of a human unknowing of a vampire's nature, Sasuke was in danger as well."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Kakashi may be the better ninja, but he's a frontlines fighter. Ebisu is primarily a teacher, and would do a better job- he is more qualified even if he's not as powerful."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Naruto didn't keep his promise~! He promised to kill Sasuke if he was dick... though that's kinda his natural disposition. Kinda screwed himself over right there."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Sakura used a SLUG to call for back-up? Slugs ARE just snails without shells, you know."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Hinata's test should be to speak to Neji and think over the old phrase "United we stand, divided we fall"."-Kathryn J. Blair
"It only took six chapters for a village of professional shinobi to find one small child through complete accident."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Now that I think about it, BOTH of Deidara's hands could be used in the old "cursed hand" bit instead of just the right one that only grabbed half the gooses."-Kathryn J. Blair
"What is it with Naruto and squirrels? Naruto Abridged, a butt-load of fanfictions, the squirrel-bomb from the Forest of Death... where the hell did it all come from?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Did the scary weasel get bopped on the head a lot during that song? No, wait... that's Little Bunny Fufu."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I never thought of that before, but Danzo WOULD restructure the academy... that alone should have proved to EVERYONE, without any exceptions or doubt, what a truly horrible idea putting him in charge would be."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I'm sorry for not being a regular reviewer... But other than the fact that I just started reading this particular story (after you've already posted 25 chapters) last night then falling asleep for at least five hours before reading the twenty-second chapter, there's actually a good reason. I tend not to review often if I intend to reread something a lot since you can review each chapter only ONCE. I do that even more so with comedies."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Itachi is NOT innocent. I don't know why everyone keeps insisting he is. Innocent would mean he didn't kill his clan; he did. Regardless of the reason, Itachi killed 218 members of the Uchiha. He did this to stop a war, but he DID do it. Even if you believe the end justify the means, see him as a kid stuck between a rock and hard place, or an ANBU following orders, it still happened. Itachi massacred his family, and whether you believe it was the right thing to do or not, THE FACTS DO NOT CHANGE!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"I think Naruto turned out quite well, considering he spent his first three years of puberty with Jiraiya."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Thank kittens for TVio and the rewind button."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Ya know, Hyorinmaru would make a good Neji."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I know that the wrath of Itachi Uchiha should be scary and all, but I laughed
when he kicked them in the balls."-Kathryn J. Blair
"After being turned into a Twilight "vampire" a few chapters ago, I can't really
blame Sasuke for getting the hell out of Konoha."-Kathryn J. Blair
"So, is Gaara insane here or not? Guess I'll have to continue reading to find
out, but really, this first impression is kinda vague."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I don't get why you would think a longer title would mean a stronger
ninja."-Kathryn J. Blair
"That really is a good way of derailing the Uchiha Massacre. The fact that
Itachi such an ideal candidate for Hokage makes me wonder why
Hiruzen-FORCED-to-come-out-of-retirement-Sarutobi didn't decide to go with that
option."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Finally! An author who gets just how WRONG that pairing is!"-Kathryn J. Blair
(about KakaNaru shipping)
"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you hate Sasuke with a passion. A
very tentative limb."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Why do I get the feeling I've already done this review?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"The thing that's tragic about this is all of their roles make sense. Kagome is
paired with EVERYONE at some point via fanfic, harem fics are incredibly common
for her (supposed) character, and everyone who's NOT with her apparently wants
her. Sesshomaru x Kagome is the most common pairing for InuYasha - which is kinda
sad if you think it, really- so that explains his vague memory in the first
chapter. And Sesshomaru is supposed to excel at ANYTHING, even if that's not
really possible, if only because he doesn't have TIME to do everything; thus,
the clubs. His preference for redheads is a new one though. Everyone who hates
Kikyo does so because she's pretty spiteful around Kagome and to a lesser
extent, Inuyasha. And she usually is cast as Kagome's sister or cousin in AU
fanfictions. Those who don't hate Kikyo find her to be a living (actually, more
like WALKING) tragedy and cry out "why?", coupled with the way so many girls are
either supposed to be jealous of the way she's so popular with the boys or envy
her but can't bring themselves to really dislike her, you get Kikyo's
"friends". Whenever Shippo gets entered into high school, it's because his
appearance matches the appropriate age range after aging naturally in the 500
years span between both canon-given eras. In high school fics, Inuyasha is more
often a half-demon than not, despite all the implications that would have on
even just school activities (unfair advantages in sports, problems handling the
presence of chemicals that would be kept in science labs, unavoidable racial
tensions caused by fear alone, and so on and so forth) but not always. And that
explains that. Personally, I find it interesting that I've never seen one where
he has form once a month in a school-set AU... admittedly, I tend to avoid
those, so it could just be me. Naraku is portrayed as a bad-ass or at least a
bully in such fanfics, but canonicly, his human body was disabled and his human
heart is his greatest weakness; so having his incarnations beat up on beat when
weak covers both ends somewhat. As for the protagonists who join in, well, he IS
the main villain and they spend the entire series trying to kill him- and
InuYasha is a very, very long series. Souta being a punk is not a new concept.
His hero-worship tends to make a very big impact on his childhood; remove that
and things turn out quite differently. Grandpa Higurashi is supposed to be an
incredibly traditional old man, and portrayed not taking things of any real
controversy well. Kagome being loose would not sit well with him, obviously."
"The differences made by continual previous exposure, comical
relief-style."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If any side uses spiders to attack, they're the bad guys."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You know, the OCs were worked in so naturally it didn't occur to me to reject
them. I must say, that's truly impressive."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Megalomaniacs should just become fiction writers."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Naruto almost let the Kyuubi out! Seriously, not warning Naruto of the danger was a real bad judgment call on the Sandaime's part."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You just couldn't resist, could you? Hiei's dragon of the darkness flame is way too cool."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You killed off Naruto and left his baby half-dead? Geez, do you hate happy endings or something?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"You brought back Youmi's buffoon of a General? That guy was an idiot... an idiot that Kurama severed in three... it will be hard to make his survival plausible."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If you're gonna delete lemon scenes, have the courtesy to announce it. Confusing the reader with the results of said scenes (or lack thereof) is NOT a good thing."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Neji, a Medic-Nin? I've never once come across a fanfiction that played THAT angle before."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If you have a really cool scene in mind but doesn't it the story/plot line, you can always just write it separately. Think of it as a deleted scene (I love DVDs)"-Kathryn J. Blair
"He died? Well that kinda sucks."-Kathryn J. Blair
"With an army like that, who needs ninja?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Inuyasha's a real hypocrite for a hanyou."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If this does get adopted, would you put up a notice? en though it should kinda go without saying, I felt this question must be asked since an appalling amount of authors don't do this."-Kathryn J. Blair
"What! You gave SASUKE UCHIHA a sword whose Shikai make all other zanpakuto's Bankais seem insignificant?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"So which anime did 'Tsundere' come from? I never really found out the origin even if I could figure out the meaning. I had just assumed it was a French word, like that one that means "nothing" but is used to something good but has no words worthy of describing it."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Reviews that are actually USEFUL are a rarity these days."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The reason behind high school fics: most of the fanfiction writers are IN high school and feel the need to share the misery."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Who was that? It wasn't Gaara (and I somehow doubt you watch the Brazilian dub anyways) and it sure as hell wasn't Rock Lee... so what does this have to do with Ling's voice?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"villain + plot = PWNed"-Kathryn J. Blair
"BwhahahaHAHAAHAHA - deep breath, annnd... set to continue evil cackle - HAHHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Well, if you have a really cool scene in mind but doesn't it the story/plot line, you can always just write it separately. Think of it as a deleted scene (I love DVDs)"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Huh. I thought that the trick would turn out to related to the high number of carts, like jumping from one to another... this speculation was immediately followed by a mental image of many video games, of course."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The ending was unfulfilling... perhaps a sequel is in order?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"You really should take the 'Much better than it sounds, hope you enjoy.' part out of the summary- that's generally done with bad stories."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The 'w' 'e' and 'r' keys are right next to each other, what reason can you possibly have for continually turning 'were' into 'where' throughout this story?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Sometimes it seems there's no point to even HAVING the T part of T&I in Naruto."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Aside from it being MIGHT GAI that was overwhelmed by something out of the norm- actually, despite there being more angles, I really don't think I have to say more about that scene... not that I'm dissin' it."-Kathryn J. Blair
"What does 'Chikushou' even mean? The Japanese language doesn't actually have expletives."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You mean Aizen actually skipped the convoluted plots and did the INTELLIGENT thing?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Oh, good, you WEREN'T ignoring me and my rather blatant "hints" after all. Thank you, I feel so much better now - with all the reviews I give this particular story, being ignored is quite an unpleasant feeling."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Technically, Ichigo eats Kon all the time."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If Danna means husband, why does Deidara call Sasori that?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Neji would be a TERRIBLE choice for Hokage, or did Gaara forget he could be assassinated with a single hand seal?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Actually, Naruto COULD move after the fight with Gaara, though only a bit. They were both able to move their heads, but Gaara landed on his back while Naruto was face-down. Naruto was using his chin to inch towards Gaara and could have torn out his throat with his sharpened canine teeth. Although it was only luck that decided where they landed, the victory was Naruto's in the end."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I never thought of that before, but Danzo WOULD restructure the academy... that alone should have proved to EVERYONE, without any exceptions or doubt, what a truly horrible idea putting him in charge would be."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Naruto's preparing his own father for his death. How tragic."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Lee pulled on his usual green spandex jumpsuit… Thingy… (Is there even a proper word for what he wears?)
Several words, actually... abomination, one-piece, a houck of phlegm marring the face of decency, are of those are good choices."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Land of Hot Water? It obviously doesn't live up to it's name, or Jiraiya wouldn't have had to install that heating seal."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I didn't like this one much. I wonder if that's because you're better at inter-connected drabbles or if it's because I don't really like Vampire Knight (Guilty) in the first place."-Kathryn J. Blair
"What about Aizen having been Onigumo in life? Just flesh that one idea out and you've got yourself a plot. Besides, your drabble stories are better than your full-fledged plot-injected fics anyways."-Kathryn J. Blair
"It'd be hella funny if the original Uchiha fan club pins had little sensors built-in to alert the fan girls of the arrival of their idols (funny, but not practical considering the average Uchiha profession) and Naruto had his out when "Tobi" showed up."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Someone worthy of the his summoning contract, huh? I'd say Hinata would be a good choice; not only does it suit her skills and her personality ensure Pakkun and the others were in good hands, she has always respected Naruto."-Kathryn J. Blair
"It DEFINITELY an A, if not an S! I mean, they're fighting a guy who went missing-nin after attempting to kill a Jinchuriki Kage! Granted, he failed, but he still got away with all body parts attached. Surely the Hokage could spare a few ANBU instead of sending a genin team after he decided the mission was too dangerous for the first one. Ensuring the safety of the village Jinchuriki HAS to rate AT LEAST squad, especially after witnessing him using the Kyuubi's chakra. Hell, Jiraiya's in town and Naruto's his damn godson!"-Kathryn J. Blair
" "How does one clean sand?" I'm sure there's a way, and wouldn't a sand rat know the answer better than a leaf monkey?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Naruto is such a masochist."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The reason Gaara had such respect for Naruto is because he always worked towards having a better future... there's not way he'd agree with Naruto just giving up."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Why didn't Sasuke just say he knew that Shisui had the Sharingan by his reputation as 'Shisui no Shunsui'? Even if you ignore the fact Sasuke MUST have met him at some point because the guy is (or perhaps WAS) the best friend of his brother that he practically worshipped, Shisui was supposed to be hot stuff in the Uchiha Clan. Supposedly, he was a real prodigy in his own right, despite being over-shadowed by Itachi."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I don't see how even the civilians could just IGNORE the fact that 'the last Uchiha' freaking DEFECTED to the guy that killed their previous Hokage not even the month before."-Kathryn J. Blair
"No one commented on Yamato's absence because, for all intents, no one cared about his part."-Kathryn J. Blair
"No way this is a C-mission, there are confirmed dead fighters, quality not withstanding. Definitely a B with possibility of rising."-Kathryn J. Blair
"One of my favorite plot-lines was 'character goes over to the dark side, friends try to get character, character comes back one season later with a de-villainated cookie or two' ...Then I watched Naruto."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Lelouch is not a pervert, he's just not gay. Millie on the other hand..."-Kathryn J. Blair
"It wasn't so much an idea to play Jenga using a Gillian as is was an attempt to see if Ichigo made a good lumberjack."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Six captains and nine lieutenants? Bit overkill, don't you think? Not to mention completely obliterates the point of power limiters."-Kathryn J. Blair
"After all this time, it still baffles me a bit... 50% is a failing grade in America, let alone Japanese education standards."-Kathryn J. Blair
"How dare you call Kurama a sidekick!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Troublesome. And by 'troublesome', I mean you're a huge bitch."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Hey, if Ichigo shattered Kyouka Suigetsu then inserted a piece inside himself, would he become immune?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Lelouch is more than competent, he's Vegas-at-night brilliant."-Kathryn J. Blair
"About the shop being "multiple millennia old"... doesn't it seem odd that the Ollivander surname survived all that time? Even if every single generation had someone willing to continue the family business, you'd think at least one of the would be a woman who changed her name to her husbands'."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Tim didn't die, the Joker did. Tim was tortured and ended up killing the bastard, but he's alive with a family and has a nine-to-five job installing satellites."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I'm a DC fan at heart, but I must say this for Marvel: they don't let their overpowered lunk-head lead the Avengers."-Kathryn J. Blair
Me: "Who the hell is that guy?"
Mom: "He's from Queer Eye For The Straight Guy."
Me: "Could he be any gayer?"
Mom: "No."
Me: "Well, I guess he could carry around a Pomeranian."
"I'm sorry for not being a regular reviewer... But other than the fact that I just started reading this particular story (after you've already posted 25 chapters) last night then falling asleep for at least five hours before reading the twenty-second chapter, there's actually a good reason. I tend not to review often if I intend to reread something a lot since you can review each chapter only ONCE. I do that even more so with comedies."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I tend not to review often if I intend to reread something a lot since you can review each chapter only ONCE. I do that even more so with comedies."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Personally, I prefer you not start another story on the side if it slows down this one- but if you don't, it'll probably nag the back of your mind when writing. I say go for it, just don't neglect this any."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If you're over your writer's block, why haven't you updated in almost a year?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"It only took six chapters for a village of professional shinobi to find one small child through complete accident."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Please post more of this~ *does the kitty-Kat look, complete with moist eyes*"-Kathryn J. Blair
"You're so awesome, I love you! *throws gummy bears in CherryNeko's direction like confetti*"-Kathryn J. Blair
""Well a humanoid demon isn't exactly every fan girl's dream" my ass!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Superman's not retarded, just a bonehead."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Why is Superman so popular? He's boring in every way. The tights-wearing bat that creeps around in dark alleys is who kids should look up to."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The fact that I got so worked up about a wrecked statue in a Marvel- sorry, DC- cartoon tells you either I have layers upon layers of issues, or that those chimichangas finally decided on their revenge. And since I don't remember the last time I actually ate a chimichanga, the layered issues is the safest bet."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Where do all these super-villain lunatics find their minions?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Only in Gotham do Halloween masks announce that you should fear any freak that wears them."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Thank kittens for TVio and the rewind button."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Villains are SUPPOSED to have issues, whether they're comic relief or hard-core."-Kathryn J. Blair
"After all this time, it still baffles me a bit... 50% is a failing grade in America, let alone Japanese education standards."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Mind fixing this chapter? I skipped chapter 11 because of the failed format, but this one has plot."-Kathryn J. Blair
"For the Onmitsukido battles, I just have one thing to say: WTF? What kind of assassin waits for, or even TELLS, their opponent to power-up? Besides, it's not like there wouldn't be more coming."-Kathryn J. Blair
"So does the little wand girl have a name, or should we just call her Wanda by default?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Wow, a story that's ten years in the making. Now THAT'S dedication."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Very potent writing - you made me cry so much I got a headache. You suck... *sniff*
"Lemon drops are to Dumbledore as ramen is to Naruto. I actually once saw him referred to as the Dark-Lord-of-Lemon-Drops."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Hey, if Ichigo shattered Kyouka Suigetsu then inserted a piece inside himself, would he become immune?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"I'm surprised Ichigo didn't try to claim Chad could go to Hogwarts as a part-magical creature. He definitely has to have Giant blood."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I think the reason Ukitake and Kyoraku were more squicked about Rukia's execution than the Quincy genocide is because the Quincy were humans, and just where do dead humans go? If they've been in the Soul Society for around thousand years, they probably don't see that much of a problem as, say, Hitsugaya would. The destruction of a innocent subordinate's soul would be more likely to rile the two of them than adding another trip through the cycle."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The Soul Society may not be thorough with genocide, but they get closer each try."-Kathryn J. Blair
"The whole Kira and Cagalli being twins thing was total bullshit anyways. Kira was grown in an artificial womb for crying out loud!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Lisa wears a schoolgirl uniform and Hiyori wears pink. Shinji pierces his tongue, Kaien runs his dumb ass through on the zanpakuto of an unseated officer, the division in charge of the Seireitei newspaper is run by a blind man, and Byakuya Kuchiki marries a woman from outer Rukongai."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Harry's proof for Voldemort's resurrection was Cedric's body, but the only thing anyone knew for sure was that Harry left with Cedric and returned with his corpse."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I've always thought that doing the Great Geass Revelation on the train was an action of sheer stupidity."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Why would I ditch the story just because it's no longer generic?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"It's not just this series; ALL fans like to make fun at characters' expense, period."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Is Voldemort's Animagus form a cockroach?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"The characters from Harry Potter are highly under-developed. You only need the barest bones of their character and the rest is up to you. I think that might be part of the appeal to fan fic writers."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Ranma's just not Ranma's without at very least three of these four things: his pigtail (despite that being a mislabel), a gender-changing curse, a spectacularly dangerous cat-phobia, and above all else, Martial Arts with special techniques."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Lelouch never hated violence, per say, he just hated physical violence. Not surprising for a frail child."-Kathryn J. Blair
Saphroneth: "Why is it that ancient civilizations always seal away their weapons of mass destruction so insecurely that a random bloke touching it is enough to trigger its' release? Modern equivalents don't detonate if you drop them, set fire to them, shoot them, crush them, pretty much anything. They're made that way."
Me: "A better question is, why didn't they USE the weapons? Maybe if they did, their civilization would still be around."
"Not looking at his hand while CUTTING OFF PART OF HIS OWN ARM doesn't make Wormtail a squeamish little girl. That was Wormtail's single moment of bad ass-ery. Looking away may not have been very well thought-out, but not the move of a sissy."-Kathryn J. Blair
"A concentrated blast of raw power to the head probably WOULD affect Vlad's mind. I've never thought of it that way."-Kathryn J. Blair
"People always seem to subconsciously underestimate Snape's intelligence for some reason. I personally think he's as smart as Dumbledore and more perceptive to boot. Aside from when he's being blinded by old grudges of course. Can't really blame him though."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Seriously, Sirius tried to ensure one student killed another student and endangered the life of a third. Dumbledore should have expelled him on the spot."-Kathryn J. Blair
"How did I miss THAT? I never made the connection that the dead assholes from the warehouse would have had Nightmares. I always just assumed he pulled the same stunt as with Viletta with a squad or something along those lines."-Kathryn J. Blair
"What does the fox say? Yip! Foxes bark like small dogs, only way less annoying because none of them got into some speed before breeding."-Kathryn J. Blair
"What is it people have against the Bount arc? I thought the it was pretty good, it even worked into canon. Seriously, why do people complain about it considering some of the crappy arcs- namely, the Zanpakuto Arc and Amagai Arc."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I don't think anyone will blame you for dragging out a fight just a little- it's DBZ, I'll straight up thank you!"-Kathryn J. Blair
"I'm more inclined to believe the reason Mitsuo Fukuda made Kira and Cagalli siblings is because he forgot to do that little Gundam tradition (but at least he remembered the masked villain) and had to stick it there last minute. Given Kira's origins, only Kishimoto would consider a Natural twin a plausible plot point, and SEED is not Naruto."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Ichigo could have Urahara spike Ukitake's medicine with his reiatsu so if his combat pass was ever used to incapacitate him it would shut down Ukitake's lungs. He wouldn't have to worry about the two old captains telling anyone about his family then."-Kathryn J. Blair
"So... many... spelling errors... If you ever fix this, let me know. I'm done here."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Harry could just make some port keys that leads back to inside the Shrieking Shack and hand them out before the third task."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Ranma's just not Ranma's without at very least three of these four things: his pigtail (despite that being a mislabel), a gender-changing curse, a spectacularly dangerous cat-phobia, and above all else, Martial Arts with special techniques."-Kathryn J. Blair
"If all else fails, you can get Goku's help and offer toast as a reward; a good deed AND food, how could he resist?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"Grammar NAZIs shouldn't hide behind 'Guest' status."-Kathryn J. Blair
"How did I miss THAT? I never made the connection that the dead assholes from the warehouse would have had Nightmares. I always just assumed he pulled the same stunt as with Viletta with a squad or something along those lines."-Kathryn J. Blair
"In the upper atmosphere? I had always wondered about that one. That, and Vegeta destroying the bug planet."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Well, technically Ed's arm IS powered by electricity. The automail is attached directly to his nerves and responds to his synapses."-Kathryn J. Blair
"So, did you have a specific song in mind for the ear-wig when you wrote this, or were you spouting shallow words?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"So Ichigo's just gonna tell everyone and their mother that he's from a future. There hasn't been a chapter he hasn't told others he was a time traveler since he started in chapter 1."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Who's the OC you put in the character category? I don't see any, so if they don't become important later, I suggest removing it; whenever I search for a fic I always filter out the stories with OCs in the description."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You'd think someone as highly-recommended and experienced as Madame Malkin would be GOOD at her job."-Kathryn J. Blair
"You don't actually listen to the lyrics, do you? You're Gonna Go Far Kid is more suited for someone like Light Yagami than Toshiro Hitsugaya - Lelouch vi Britannia is the best choice, but Light illustrates my point better.
"It seems me that releasing Hollow Bait was a cry for help that stems from lack of fatherly guidance and can only be fixed by receiving great attention from male relative. Take Uryuu to Isshin."-Kathryn J. Blair
"Someone previously trusted Hichigo with a chainsaw?"-Kathryn J. Blair
"The sad thing is that this is a better ending than the original, despite that nearly every main character from Seed died except for a possibly megalomaniacal Lacus. Just goes to show JUST how bad Destiny was."-Kathryn J. Blair
"I've always had a biting wit... coming up with new material is hard for a smart-ass who talks as much as I did. If Yusuke Urameshi were real, I'd call him a visionary. Writers are a wonderful thing."-Kathryn J. Blair
Friday, June 25, 2010
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