Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
DTV 'Poems with Hiei' Haikus
Return Poems with
Hiei to air or know meat
shield sodomy."
Kuwabara: "I'M NOT GAY!"
Monday, October 13, 2008
Philosophy/Comparisons/Thoughts/stuff along that line
That is an unavoidable truth that I know. That is the conclusion almost everyone who reflects upon life, knowledge, or truth eventually reaches.
But that truth, is just like any other truths.... and the truth is not right, just, and good. However, neither is it wrong, immoral, and evil. It's just... there.
Many writers and philosopher say this. We can see the base and it's reasons, the cause and effects, and even the eventually outcome. We often break it down, bit by bit, to the smallest level. But when doing it, we concentrate on the thing first asked about or the example given. Or we use human notions to color the very purpose of discoloring it at all. But, when concentrating only on the truth itself, the complete impartiality and utter uncaring of what's what, one can see that truth is just an existing concept.
Once you realize that, you may start to realize no concept is a truth at all.
But to rightly fulfill any concept, there must be a matching truth behind all thoughts put into the link connecting personal human thoughts and a somehow consistent concept.
As a child, I was kicked out of several elementry schools, until the county decided to saddle me in a private school filled with idiots. And two-thirds of the school was filled with the border-line clinically retarded, of varying degrees. And the existence of self-control never occurred to these idiots, and I was a smart-mouthed hothead at the time. And nothing pisses me off more than having to put up with extended stupidity. Nine years later, as I was finally transitioning out of that school- which the was more than four times later than I was SUPPOSED TO leave- my parents made the decision to sent me away to a group home filled with slightly smarter idiots who knew of self-control, but seemed to decide it was a waste of their oh-so valuable time.
Evelyn, the youngest daughter of the woman my recently divorced dad is dating, clearly has something ranging in the autistic spectrum. I feel I should tell my predictions for her straight up. After all, I am an usually vocal and intellegent autistic myself, and I feel that my guesses will be right on the money someday. First my predictions reguarding her schooling; I predict she will excell greatly in either art or music. As for the more academic subjects, I'd say it would be a safe bet that she will have a tough time passing math class at all, and most likely won't fair too well in history or english like I did either. Science, however, she might be good at in specialized areas, most likely marine biology or some other animal-related or maybe something botanical. That is a bit of a haphazard guess, but it will most probably beat her other academic subjects at least. I guess I'll just wait about three or four years and see if I hit the mark with these predictions. Either way, I know she is kindred soul in the early stages. Unfortunately, I can see her childhood will be lonely, with few friends. I hope with all my being that those few friends will be TRUE friends... a single one of those is better a swarm anyways.
If you could live forever, it would quickly become a curse for ANYONE. So many people say things like; "I wish I could live forever" or "I wanna to become immortal", but do they even think about how they feel about it? Few do. Most just say it because it has such a popular fantasy. And almost all the rest never think really about it before they voice this desire.
In my personal opinion, life generally sucks. That being said, how could anyone stand to live for so-called eternity? Time would pass, leaving everyone and everything you know would be left behind. Your memories of them would fade... becoming so vague they might have well never been at all.
Would you age? How would you hide your longitivity from the government, the public, the whole human race? Would you just become a hermit, and retreat into a secluded area withno one to talk to and probably- if any- modern techology? What's the point in that?
What would happen if your body were sliced in two? You wouldn't die, so what would you do? And what would happen if your whole body was burnt into ashes? What about when the very Earth is eventually blown up by some man-made disaster?
But how would you know? Have you ever lived for eternity before? Something like that is a depressing thought that should not have to be reflected upon.
If America loses it's grip on being the biggest world power, we're thoroughly screwed. And that is a major concern right now, since China is rising in rank, while we're suffering a major economic crisis. If America's power goes, so will we. Let's face it, nobody else likes us. Hell, a whole breed of midouy, the dust of life, were created in Vietnam when we pulled out. And everyone in charge knew we had basically no chance at winning there. They knew that the soldiers being sent there were like cows to a slaughter. It would have taken a true miracle for anything else to happen. We tried to make our own miracle, though through immorale means- but life isn't fair and just, and hard choices were made. The only just part of life is the part to just try, no matter what. That's why I hate life, by the way.
One of the smarter funds to cut back on is Social Security- at least from a political and and eventually historical view. I, myself, would not survive well, if at all, if that were to happen. But that is the best course of action, if you put aside morals.
Three thousand years from now, assuming a nuclear holocaust or something like that does not occurs, no one will care if we set aside our morals, as long as we survived. When people look back on ancient wars, they see the outcome, not the morals of long-dead people. Hell, the human race isn't even a second in the history of our own planet!
Then again, morals can be seen through the current appalment at recent history, like World War II. Looking at Hitler's base plan from a purely scientific view, it was a great idea. I won't say brilliant, since everyone with any sort of intelligence has had the odd thought of strengthening human genes through selective mating. Humans are sentinent beings, true, but we all agree we're mammals, right? Then there is no way you can deny we are a type of animal. Breeding animals to increase chances of intelligence, physical strengths, and survival has been a practice since Ancient Egypt, and probably far beyond- but the before Egypt is a only a vague amount of knowledge for me. No, I do not codone Hitler's actions when I say this. But, I will say this: if humans continue in this self-destructive manner, similiar measures will eventually be taken so our species can survive.
I live in California's Bay Area (not that that's all that informative, seeing as that makes up something like a sixth of the second biggest state in the USA) so there's a lot of cities that are prime locations for such things. Hell, San Fransico is barely more than two hours away from San Jose- by car! I don't remember ever riding a bullet train before, but just think of how little time that would take! Seriously, there are so many famous cities clumped together that I can't think of in the USA anywhere else that could compete! From Palo Alto, which holds the very best Ivy League University (though Yale constantly challenges them for the title and sometimes comes out on top- at least Harvard is securely in third place), to San Jose, to San Fransico, San Mateo. And the countless other San cities.
I can't count the times my parents have said "Your safety comes first, even before your happiness" when I ask why they did something that ended up with me wanting to die- and often trying. Aside from that very point, I suppose they say that to convince themselves. After all, when I was a child, they sent me to the desert to spend the summer with a pedophile, one my mother knew about from personal experience. Not that they told me about it- no warning at all.
And the entire time, I couldn't figure out why he terrified me. Something about him scared me every single time I saw him, but I didn't know why and would always end up ignoring my fear once he left... because I truly believed it was more impossible than flying turtles that my parents would make me spend my summer vacation with my mother's father if he was dangerous.
I wonder, was it revenge? Was it because they both had hard childhoods because of things they couldn't help, while the only reason mine was tough because something's wrong with my brain? Because it's no one's fault but my own that my life is difficult? Because they worked so hard and did everything they could to make my life a good one but I didn't and was ungrateful and made things worse and worse?
I've been feeling bad about telling people online anything that can be considered insulting recently, which is weird because I was always a very in-your-face, say-what-I-think, just-don't-give-a-damn kind of person before I became a hermit. Although I guess it makes sense in the long run. The beauty of IM is that you can close the window if you don't want to deal with the person anymore, but it goes both ways. If you insult someone, they might leave so it's natural to fear insulting others if you only talk to people online, even if it's not a constant.
It's kind of weird that my social skills are better now than when I was around others. On second thought, that's not weird at all- I don't have to put up with their BS. It still seems like it should be weird though.
YouTube Commentaries
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LUV all of Lanipator's Yu Yu Hakusho abridged works, but this is the best of them all!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I swear to ass I'm gonna kick your god."
You know, when analyzing my thoughts towards what makes which quotes my favorites (yes, I have that much time on my hands), I couldn't pin-point the exact reason this particular one tickled my fancy so much. But it's comforting to know I'm not alone in my opinion... or maybe it's depressing to see that I just have the same thoughts as everybody else. Whatever.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Okay, so the Kuroune imposter is run through with a bunch of bamboo blades, then all of a sudden comes a delayed explosion? I love anime logic!"
Lanipator=- UNDER Yu Yu Hakusho: Poltergeist Report Abridged Part 4:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"That was the worst name I've heard someone be called! And since I've officially been in the system since second grade, been to two group homes, and at least five mental hospitals, that's saying something. But... A FILLER VILLIAN!!! That's just too cruel!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
" "I'm not gonna lose!"-Yusuke ... He did, however, manage to lose his shirt. "
Lanipator=- UNDER Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged Parody Episode 16:
live2laf =
anyone know where i can watch yu yu hakusho fo free?
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Sure. I have two playlists in my arsonel that have it all, and the specials and second movie."
Lanipator=- UNDER Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged Parody Episode 16:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I LOVE Lanipator... that's what makes this video so disappointing. I mean, it's half the abridged time, barely above average in quality, and took about a whole f***ing year to come out! What has happening to your creative genius, Lani?!"
Lightren =
"hes been working on dbz abridged is a good place to start and he does have a life im sure"
masaruten =
give the guy a break, it was pretty damn funny and Kuwabara got his time to shine...even if it was a quick-draw...
Kuwabara: SHUT THE HELL UP!!!
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Hey, I'm not ragging on him. I'm just disappointed because this isn't up to his usual brilliant works."
Lanipator=- UNDER Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged Parody Episode 16:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I never would have thought Kuwabara could foil Kurama"
Lanipator=- UNDER Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged Parody Episode 16:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"You know, it would have been a lot easier for Kuwabara to drop those beast over the side of the roof all at once than to make his weird doughnut."
Lanipator=- UNDER Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged Parody Episode 16:
Lanipator =
Kuwabara is my favorite character :/
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"No way! I would have thought you were a Yusuke, Hiei, or Neighborhood Watch Committee person- at least for your abridge here."
Lanipator=- UNDER Lanipator's War Council:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I agree with Yusuke, Lani doesn't look good in that suit. A shame, since I find him pretty cute."
Lanipator=- UNDER Lanipator's Answers 1:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"You admitted you forgot the Neighborhood Watch Committee, I got that... But how could you have forgotten at all?! I could list many reasons why that is such an obvious voice, but I'll pass out of respect."
Lanipator=- UNDER Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged Parody Remastered Episode 1:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"There are only three good new jokes, one of which is a single line, and Lanipator rushes through the old ones like he's a horse that can't wait to get out of running in circles at the Kentucky Derby."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MrChickenCake =
"I like the new opening cus you don't have to censor it and It's one of my favorite japanese songs."
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"He didn't HAVE TO censor it the first time- it was just a hell of a lot funnier that way."
XXStarlightWolfXX=- UNDER Anti-KuramaxHiei Rant:
ME (freakishpurrrfection): =
Finally, someone gets it!The only big problem that could possibly rival the fruitless Kurama and Hiei AS FRIENDS image searches in stupidity is when I start talking about Kurama and people start teasing that he's gay. I mean, it's not funny! It wasn't funny the first time, and it's sure as hell not funny in 2008!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mizukei =
Not really. I've run across so many who jump with "proof" from the series of them as more than friends when I comment on a detail off in something they wrote (I admit I've humored a couple people in reading it before, before it was too full-blown craze.) Even if the proof is all in how you watch the scene. Fans see what they want and how, and very few can realize what they see might not actually be what's there....
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
That merits truth, mizukei. There's so much reading between the lines for any proof that they're NOT gay. On the other hand, the same can be said for Hiei and Kurama being hot for each in the first place
Okay, they are not lovers if you are a homophobic American. THat is why they make Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune Cusians and not Lovers. In the Japanese Version they are lovers, In American, they change everything. One reason alot of Gay or Lesbian coupleds they change the boyish one, or the girlish one to a boy or a girl. Ziosite of Sailor moon is a BOY! Not a girl. American's fucked with that too.
Actually, that's wrong. It's true that Uranus and Neptune were originally lesbian lovers, but the whole Hiei & Kurama thing was a total fan make. There was an interview with YYH's creator where the reporter asked about it. Togashi replied that he did not create Kurama or Hiei with the intent for either to be gay.
And Zoisite was made a girl for both animes, English AND Japanese. But I agree that Zoisite should have stayed male in anime.
Really? There was an interview? Can you link it please? Ty!
No can do... I actually heard about it from a friend, as well as some other parts of the interview I've completely forgotten by now. But it should be easy. Just type in 'Yoshihiro Togashi' and add 'interview' after that. My friend couldn't speak japanese, so only try sites in English... although I know that doesn't narrow it down much. Also, if any Sailor Moon sites show up in the search, there should be something important or obsure there since the guy is married to Naoko Takeuchi.
Megami33=- UNDER SMA Series Episode 2:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I'm betting the SMA crew didn't know this, but Tuxedo Mask actually DID know ventriloquism. At least in the manga, anyways."
Megami33=- UNDER Megami33's Updates 2:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Where do we send our suggestions?
By the way, when you say 'Season 2' are you refering to the anime only season with the Doom Tree Saga, or the ACTUAL second season, the Black Moon segment of R?"
ryjacard=- UNDER Why I HATE "Reflections":
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"If Kenshin had a disease, why the hell would he take a wartime medical position? Truly retarded."
ryjacork=-UNDER RKA LIVES!:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Um, it was taken down again."
FanOfBats=- UNDER A Riddle A Day Keeps The Riddler Away Part 3:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"It was so OBVIOUS Batman was freezing his ass off in that one scene, but Robin, who was wearing less, toke it like a man. Tells you something about their dedication levels."
FanOfBats=- UNDER Batman Is Riled:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"The actor playing Batman about as bad as William Shatner. Robin's not very bad for an actor of that era, though."
snellekszbj=- UNDER Batman Forever Movie Part 6:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I haven't watched this movie yet... and I not even half-way through this video, either. BUT, it took me around four or five seconds to make the connection between chess pawns, clocks, and matches. Hell, it's taking long to type this than answer that riddle. It's sooo OBVIOUS: Game, Set, Match. I mean, please, the hardest riddle I've hit so was the match one- and that was pretty damn easy."
STanimatedseries=-UNDER The Demon Reborn 3 3:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"How would Super man know his powers would revert instead of staying stuck inside Raj?"
STanimatedseries=-UNDER Mxyzpixilated 1 2:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"The fact that I got so worked up about a wrecked statue in a Marvel- sorry, DC- cartoon tells you either I have layers upon layers of issues, or that those chimichangas finally decided on their revenge. And since I don't remember the last time I actually ate a chimichanga, the layered issues is the safest bet."
Daniel4646 =
Hey, be happy that this happens habitually only in cartoons - or else insurances would weep.
STanimatedseries=-UNDER World's Finest 3 6:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Why didn't Batman just throw the krpytonite outside the room before the door closed?"
STanimatedseries=-UNDER World's Finest 4 6:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"You aren't supposed to make the weights clink. I know basically nothing about weight machines, and even I know that! Bruce Wayne would too, if this were in one of the Batman series instead of the Superman series where they feature a masochistic bonehead."
BatmanGMBH=-UNDER Batman S1 E10 Part1/4:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Only in Gotham do Halloween masks announce that you should fear any freak that wears them."
=-UNDER 1 Lifestyles of the Rich and Batty 3/3:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"This is pathetic... Man-Bat actually crashes because Batman covers his eyes?! The whole reason bats even have sonar in the first place is because they are freaking BLIND!!"
riolyShadow=-UNDER B B Eps12 (1/3):
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Actually, if you watch the last episode of Justice League Unlimited, Prolouge, you find out Terry IS Bruce Wayne's son."
i thought the episode was called "epilouge"
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Oops. I know that's what's it's called. Where was my mind when I wrote that title?"
riolylimited=- UNDER JL S1 Eps15 (2/2):
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Jean got infected, huh? I can't not say; "I told you so!" And I did, too- at the screen. I mean, c'mon, his a shapeshifter- he could turn into a woman at any time! Or maybe a genderless animal, though I'll admit the only genderless creature with opossible thumbs I can think of is, embarassingly enough, a Namek."
riolylimited=- UNDER JL S1 Eps18 (2/2):
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Batman isn't the only one with no powers. Hawkgirl's abilities come purely from her body's physiology, and Green Lantern's powers derive directly from an item, not him. Though I suppose you could call Green Lantern's control over the to come to him and understand what he says as power."
riolylimited=- UNDER JL S1 Eps18 (2/2):
soulofducky =
no, an electricity accident won't make anything faster, in fact it might even paralyze someone. Flash's ability has to be a superpower, because not only is he fast, he has to be durable. If a normal person was moving anywhere near the speed the flash was going, the friction would peel the flesh off his bones.
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"You're working under the assumption that logic comes into play. He WAS in an accident. Ask around. Even the first Smallville episode he showed up in talked about it. But I'll concede that it is not TOO much of a stretch to call it a superpower."
WalleyFlash10=-UNDER The Flash and the Justice League Flash and Substance Part 1:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Flash is usually underestimated, when compared to the other Justice League founding members. I mean he's out-smarted Grodd, single-handedly took down Brainiac, and even more impressive, out-witted the hard(er)-core Justice Lord Batman"
AackoSWK=- UNDER Teen Titans - ep 50 - The End I (part 2):
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"OF COURSE Robin's metal sticks can dust the fire demons. That's only logical, after all."
FUNimation=-UNDER Suzuka - 8 - Distance:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"A scientology commercial? What kind of group calls themselves a religion then puts up commercials for converts?"
FUNimation=-UNDER Suzuka - 19 - Break Up:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"This is like an anime Degrassi. I would say soap opera, but there doesn't seem to be anyone with amnesia."
FUNimation=-UNDER Ouran HSHC - 2 - The Job of a High School Host!:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Haruhi's beyond too well-adjusted... Indifferent is pretty much what she is at this point."
FUNimation=-UNDER Ouran HSHC - 3 - Beware the Physical Exam!:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
fergiefan659: I've just realized that Vic Mignona is the voice actor for Takami and Edward in Fullmetal Alchemist. He does a good job for both characters.
Me: "Yeah, he also plays Phi from the Tubasa Chronicles. But Phi doesn't sound that different from Tamaki, so it's easier to tell."
jHavhAnice28=-UNDER Gundam Seed ep50-3:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"It really amazes me, that for all the explosions when the Freedom blew up, there wasn't a single rip in Kira's spacesuit or a crack in his helmet."
1SoulLost=-UNDER G Gundam 1 [3\3] Eng Dub[HQ]:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I remember when G Gundam first came out on Toonami. I loved this episode, which seemed so promising, but HATED the show as it progressed. But looking back, if you take the episodes one at a time, they are kinda like semi-decent fillers."
1SoulLost=-UNDER G Gundam 9 [1\3] Eng Dub[HQ]:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"CHAP-MAN? In England? How cliche."
Extremelyfire2009=-UNDER G Gundam Episode 34 Part 3/3:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Didn't Domoun have to fight the other four eventually anyways?"
Extremelyfire2009=-UNDER G Gundam Episode 35 Part 2/3:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Chibadee thinks purely like a boxer. Domoun'll win if he aims for the legs, no sweat."
Extremelyfire2009=-UNDER G Gundam Episode 36 Part 2/3:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""Begin at sunrise"? Sunrise is a gradual process that takes hours... why don't ANY animes, or cartoons for that matter, get that fact?"
Extremelyfire2009=-UNDER G Gundam Episode 37 Part 3/3:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"MISTER Emperor? Puh-lease. And what kind of Chinese Emperor isn't Chinese?!"
Extremelyfire2009=-UNDER G Gundam Episode 46 Part 3/3:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"How the hell did that horse end up in his cockpit?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 35 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Rat on a stick! Rat on a stick!"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 43 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"These people are all completely retarded. Kaiba fires his entire board for trying to off him and his brother. Then, without charging them for murder, or even evicting them from the goddamn building, he goes, "I'm gonna go try out an brand new and untested technology that seperates my mind from my body. And just for kicks, I want even look it over first, even though I know that the guys that have already tried to kill me have tampered with it!""
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 43 (2/2) English Version:
"I don't get one thing...haven't Joey dueled Zombie monsters before?? Then how come Joey is acting like he's never seen it before? Kind of wierd O.O "
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"It's just a fear thing."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 44 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"How is that barricade holding? It's a sliding door!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""We'll never get past that!"
Speak for yourself. I can just fast-forward."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"How coinsidental is it that every duel they do is a replica of one they did in real life. Seto could not have knowed what all their duels were like."
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"True. Too many factors than could possibly be accounted for. That's why anime is short of logic- it's fiction, so there's absolutely no way to cover ALL the angles."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 65 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Couldn't Yami have used a De-Spell card when he was still in the cage?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 86 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Hair don't is right. 'Cause he don't have no hair... I hate slang though."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 102 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"If they inform her she's in a dream, does that count as breaking the fourth wall?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 102 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"A duck is a water creature, so wouldn't being a sitting duck give her a power bonus? *little lol*"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"'Fly the coup'? Everyone knows penguins can't fly."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""You should really dress more appropriately for the weather, dear."
Since she just came out of a desert, I think her outfit makes some sense- besides the fact that she dressed without deserts or glaciers in mind AND that the results from hot to cold didn't kill or even hurt her from shock."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Of course that fire didn't melt the iceberg holding Taya above the icy water."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 103 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Birdie popcicle!"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 104 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Contempt in court? It's obvious he has nothing BUT contempt for the court!"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 106 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Man, I hate the Big 5! They don't even deserve to be called ONE dimensional characters!"
"haha, did the totally great penguin backstory do nothing for you?"
"Wait, that counted as a backstory?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 108 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Mokuba's only purpose is being a constant hostage."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 109 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""Betraying the Big 5"? Didn't they try to kill him already? Twice?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 110 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""Didn't expect that from a penguin, did ya?"
Not really, no."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Okay, so Noah is older or as old as Seto. At least, he's supposed to be. Also, WHY DO THEY KEEP SAYING STEP-FATHER?! They were ADOPTED! Step- and Adopted- are two different terms."
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Maybe because there is no word for a father through an adoption?"
"Not even in French. (Sorry; we were learning it in class.)"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 113 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""Now there's no way they can stop the Big 5's dragon!"
Even if that's true, they'll still win for three reasons: They are main characters, Yami- which technically makes three players, by the way- never loses, and they are the good guys in a 4Kids cartoon."
"Well, he almost never loses, but under normal conditions he would never lose. He's lost three times by my count:
1. Kaiba (he stopped his attack because Kaiba put himself at risk)
2. Rebecca (he surrendered)
3. Rafael (his mind was affected by the Seal of Orichalcos)"
"Don't forget 4: He lost to Yugi in the last episode. But yeah, I was being too general."
"He also lost in episode 2, but that was because he had a time limit."
"Oh, right. Forgot about that one."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 114 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Noah summons an arc? How original."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 120 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Couldn't an Egyptian God destroy NecroExodia?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 121 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""I'll accept your foolish challenge!!"
Tell me, who do YOU think is the real fool... Thought so."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 121 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Yeah, 'cause THAT wouldn't cause a shockwave or anything."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 127 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""Enough with the laughin' already!"
That really made me lol."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 139 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Wait. Why was Marik making a big deal about using Yami's Monster Reborn card against him? Wasn't it one he originally took from Marik anyways?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 140 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""He was one one step away from defeating Marik and winning the Battle City Tournament!"
Yeah, 'cause that's WAY more important than saving the world, no matter how cliche."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 149 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""Is it me, or are you always in a bad mood?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 154 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Like hair mousse?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 175 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Guardian Dreadscythe looks exactly like a Hollow."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh 208 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"He didn't call out to the fisherman to bring him back because... why?"
Sephirothwins=-UNDER Yugioh The Shadow Games Episode 17 part 1/3 subbed:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"You're kidding... They actually made a translation sidenote for MANSION?!"
Sephirothwins=-UNDER Yugioh The Shadow Games Episode 24 subbed part 2/3 subbed:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"It just looked so wrong when Sagi's butt grew ten times bigger than the card he was sitting on."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 11 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I loved the part where the cat licked... the comic relief villian she-male. It took forever, (or so it seemed back then) but I actually trianed my cat to lick people. Siamese are very trainable for cats, by the way."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 15 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"This is the worst episode YET. And THAT'S only when you consider the non-stop puns and cliches. I do the weirdest things when I'm bored- and apparently watching this is right up there with eating roses and holding hands with womanizers. Hm... Maybe I need to lower my medication. This level of mellowness is actually pathetic."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 17 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I'm actually amazed at how ridiculous this whole episode is."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 19 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I'm glad the writers gave Dmetri the same lines they would have given Yami/Yugi, yet greatly disgusted at the same time."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 29 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Weird how watching two cartoon characters about to die (ha, as if) made me hungry for soup."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 30 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Let me guess how Jaden's gonna win: he's gonna use that special summon destroyer he used on the gravekeeper. Let's find out if I'm right in the next vid."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 30 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Instead of wasting all this time play card games, couldn't the Nightriders have just gone out and bought a jackhammer?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 30 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Did Nightshroud just attack on Jaden's turn? Cool codename, by the way."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 30 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Bats spying on the cards? Does no one else see the problem with this scenerio?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 34 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Why the hell would Seto Kaiba, of all people, make Kaibaman so incredibly weak? I mean, even Kuriboh's stronger!"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 34 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Why didn't Bubblrman's destruction cost Jaden life points when it was a spell card, not the Blue Eyes that took it out?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"But Kaibaman never sacrificed anything when he called out the last Blue Eyes!"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 38 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"So the water hologram doesn't drown him, but a holographic lugie flips him over in the air?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Did he just KIDNAP Jaden?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 39 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"The fact that the "detective" was a villian was no twist. A four-year-old would have known it was fishy of him to hide the cards, and not even move them once seen. His whole character was plain fishy, really. Not to mention anyone wearing THAT outfit would draw immediate suspicion!"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 40 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Why do they feel the need to still explain cards like Pot of Greed every time they're used at this point?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 46 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Umm... Did that cat just eat Banner's soul?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 55 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"lol! dingleberry."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 64 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"LOL! Now THAT'S a cat fight worth watching. You go girl!"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 69 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Did it ever occur to Crowler to just fire that nutcracker reject?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 70 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"That's no song. That's a cheerleading chant."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 71 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""How many times do you get to duel a pro?"-Jaden
So far, 3 times, twice with a pre-pro, one tag match against duels that used to some form of card game assassains, once with a copycat Yugi Moto, and once with a virtual Kaiba. And do the Professors count as the professional league? Plus, should I count any of the shadow games so far?
Is that all? Or am I forgetting any? Anyways, that seems like a lot to me."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 75 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"So, not only is this a clip episode, but the badly done flashbacks aren't even from this spin-off series where it is already season two?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 77 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"The guy sets up a four-card combo, so naturally Jaden attacks with a single monster with less than 1800 attack points."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 77 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"It's scary how 4Kids can make a Grandpa Moto seem just like a LittleKuriboh one."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 78 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Why was that unsightly Princess Rose with a hideous dress supposed to be the most beautiful and that plain Dark Magician Girl spirit the cutest when Serena is obviously the prettiest in this series so far?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 86 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""I'm going to drop you like third period French."-Jaden
There truly was no better way to piss off that stereotypical nutcracker reject using a curriculem reference."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 88 (2/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Did he just change his pants on the spot?!"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 97 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"They turned a prisoner in a pad-locked straight jacket loose in a stadium full of people to play a card game? What message is 4Kids trying to send here? Not to mention, the last episode revolved around the notion sleeping through physics class is no big deal as long as you believe in the luck of the draw... 4Kids turns on of the top 5 mangas (the original one) into pure crap to create future criminals and gamblers?"
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 99 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I can't wait for that Prince to leave. His version of the stereotypical douchebag snob voice is particularly annoying."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 108 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"A crocodile rolling their eyes? I've never seen that before."
lumi29star=-UNDER Yu Gi Oh GX 115 (1/2) English Version:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I wonder how long it was until they realized that it was supposed to be half the attack points, not life points? Wonder who's responsible for that little screw up."
rexludorum=-UNDER Yugioh: Dub vs. Original II:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Are you aware you were slightly off on almost every single point?
Mikey wasn't KINAPPED by a tank, just KILLED by one.
Raphel wasn't disowned. His family was overjoyed to find him alive. But after total solitude, the wear of day-to-day conflict disillusions him to the rest of the world.
Valon didn't HAVE the Seal of Orichalcos until Dartz gave it to him! DUH!
The 4th Warrior, Mai, was converted because one of the original three, Valon, was infatuated with her."
Reply to your comment on: Yugioh: Dub vs. Original II You're right, the seal wasn't actually controlling her, but the dub makes the Seal out to have much more influence than it does in the Japanese. Joey spends a duel talking about how it's messing with her head and he'll free her from it, but Jounouchi talks about being a true duelist. It's more subtle than I made it out to be, but it IS a difference, and to me, a big one.
OurVersions=-UNDER Orphen Revenge Episode 9 (3-3):
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
Charox5: Flame...soul...? Heh their mom was so original when she named them:P
Me: "That's nothing. I met a mother that had 3 daughters; the first was named AJ, the second was named BJ, and the third was called CJ. I jokingly asked her if she had another kid, would she name it DJ... and she said yes. I'll never forget her look when she answered. It was as if she thought that was the most obvious answer in the world."
BandaiEntertainment=-UNDER Kurokami Ep 17 - Masagami (Eng Dub):
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Is it possible to use two Thousands at once?"
"How about 10 rings for the 10 digits of both hands lol?"
"That's a pretty obvious no-go. Only ONE of the thousands shown was a ring. My guess is each Thousand has a different form."
kool67105=- UNDER Kaze no Stigma Episode 2 dub part 2:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Six of her family members were killed, but all that really matters to Ayano is her teen angst problems."
AnimeResonance=- UNDER Bleach Episode 219 - Part 2/2 [English Sub] [HD]:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Ikkaku was defeated? I can't say I was expecting that."
craklemuffin=-UNDER Bleach 259 2/3 HQ:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Naturally, Houzyukimaru can swim. What sword couldn't?"
RockL33=- UNDER Samurai X: Trust and Betrayel part {14/18} ENGLISH:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Kenshin's just fighting on auto-pilot now."
MasakoXtreme=- UNDER New Voice Acting Show on Blip!!:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"K, I got a question: can you teach mexicans and indians to repress their accents like you do sometimes? California is sometimes a little hard to navigate through all the accents."
"It's just finding the right voice tones that wipe that accent away and give you something completely different."
ryjacork=-UNDER Happy Birthday Nicole!:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Was that first song one that was released? You never know these days."
pushpinpownzor=-UNDER flcl-cherry cola:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
(answering pushpin's request for comments on his/her amv's goodness factor)
"Honestly? It's pretty good when you consider what you had to work with. Fooly Cooly isn't the best anime to make AMVs from."
KatanaKitty=-UNDER Sailor Moon- Ready To Go:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Love it! Since you don't care about the quality for the rest of rest, perhaps finding someone who can filter it is an option?"
thanks hun :)))) its such an old video now, I cant really be bothered to find someone to filter it. As long as people can see whats going on is cool for me :)
sailordolunay2=-UNDER Sailor Moon Lesson Number One:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Where'd you get the graphic from 1:21?"
usakoangel=- UNDER Sailor Moon - Heartbreaker:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"This video is great. Most Sailor Moon AMVs revolve almost solely around the attack and transfomation clips, and although there is a lot of that in here, they are all well applied. I particularly like the clip of Kaori stepping on the heart compact. I think the clip of the Messiah of Destruction swallowing Chibi Moon's heart crystal would have been a nice touch, as well as a clip of pegasus leaving his dream mirror and another of Sailor Moon's ribbon and silver crystal flower, but whatevs."
AshleyCarlson8=-UNDER The Yu Yu Pop:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"This was put together VERY well."
MsDBZbabe=-UNDER Invoke:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Wow, well done. Very much like the real thing, except for the trunks and Yamacha piece- and if Vegeta was the main character."
"that was mirai gohan, not yamcha"
gmazca=-UNDER Death Note -- Like A Stone (Acoustic) amv:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Ugh. I hate acoustic versions. I can't think of a single song that sounds better that way than the original... or even good at all, for that matter."
musicalwolf25=-UNDER Random Gundam Seed episode 1:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Where's you get that last clip? I've watched the original Gundam Seed over 50 times- most of them in a row- and don't remember it. Was it in GSDestiny, most of which I rarely watch, or was it put together by a fan?"
"It was put together by a fan."
"Really? Where can I get a copy for my graphic collection?"
"I found it on Photobucket, but at the time I was just randomly going through pictures so I don't remember where."
"Well that REALLY sucks. My graphic collection got wiped, so I need to replenish my collection. Now all I have is the graphics I had in photobucket- which I'll need to resave, and that'll take months even if I work non-stop. You wouldn't happen to remember ANYTHING that might help? Even how you found it the first time?"
"At least it was the graphic collection and not the whole computer. And all I remember was I was really bored and I tiped in Gundam Seed, then I just started saving things that I thought would make a great amv. I'll see if I can find it again."
"Found it! XD Tipe in Gundam Seed and at the moment it is on page 4."
"Thanks so much! You really went out of your way to help me."
"No problem, glad I could help."
Gaaralovesfootball=- UNDER Yu-gi-oh Abridged Yami's Top 10 Moments:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"The BEST Yami moment wasn't even in here! It's obvious the 'Baby Pharaoh wants milk! Fetch me a nipple!' should be SOMEWHERE on there!"
InuYashaAbridgedFTW (originally IICanadianJutsuII)=- InuYasha Abridged - 01:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
" "Look, some villiagers! They look like nice people." *transitional phase* "Hmm... In hindsight, the bows were probably a dead giveaway."
I don't think it was the BOWS that were the dead giveaway, but the sharp, pointy arrows. "
hbi2k=- UNDER Berserk: The Abridged Finale (Part 1 of 2):
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"You cried at the end of Berserk? Seriously? Really? You are kidding, right? The ending can only be considered an ending because nothing more was made! It was INCREDIBLY anti-climatic due to the sheer lack of anything resembling a conclusion!! As for Berserk itself, for all the gore and tragedy, it came off as a rather dry show."
hbi2k=- UNDER Berserk: The Abridged Finale (Part 1 of 2):
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"The saddest thing about Berserk is that every one of those ending were better than what really happened in the original thing. I'm NOT exaggerating either. Except for that lame Scooby Do one. Naw, it might be funny to see that in a REAL anime. The copyrights make it impossible anyways. But my point stands. Every one of those crappy endings topped the real one- if you can even call it an ending at all."
teamDN=- UNDER DN TAS ep.10:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I'm glad DirtyDan88 returned. I mean, I'm a HUGE Lanipator fan, but his Light voice was so distracting that it took away from the character itself."
teamDN=-UNDER Christmas Comment Cpecial:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Wow... I can't believe I never noticed Yagami spelled backwards leads to Im-a-gay."
NarutoAbridgedFTW=- UNDER comment Special 2:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I hate break it to ya, but if you look at the exact wording of the first comment, Senahort wasn't asking who did whose voice... he was aiming for a bit more subtle version of the "masakox sounds gay" comment."
yourworstnightmare51=- UNDER Naruto Abridged iPods:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"C'mon, what happened to Koncaro? I mean, his song is no brainer even. I don't remember what the exact was, but "Give it up now! The funk's your brother!""
LittleKuriboh=- UNDER Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Series Episode 6:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Wait, this is the stuff the all-famous LittleKuriboh made? Does it start to get good later on or something?"
LittleKuriboh=- UNDER Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Series Episode 6:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Well, that was a bit better than the last 5 episodes. Maybe this series will become good eventually. As it stands now, it's purely okay."
LittleKuriboh=- UNDER Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Series Episode 7:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Too bad the sound is so off, this was LittleKuriboh's best episode."
LittleKuriboh=- UNDER Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Series Episode 8:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I was just reading the manga for the first time earlier, so I actually GET the Zorc reference."
LittleKuriboh=- UNDER Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series Episode 9:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Hm... Isn't it more like being a selective schizo than cheating?"
CardGamesFTW=- UNDER Episode 27 - She Blinded Me With Card Games:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""There goes a guy with a sister I'd like to bang."-Tristan
Does anyone else realize that Tristan hasn't even MET Serenity yet?"
MenosGrandeKuriboh=- UNDER Yu-Gi-Oh! The Other Abridged Movie:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Where can I find the original version of this? These things are never as funny if you haven't seen the original."
CardGamesFTW=- UNDER Episode 31 - Perfectly Ultimate Bunghole:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
""Now all your monsters will be forced to dance uncontrollably to crappy Japanese pop music."
Carmalldansen isn't crappy Japanese pop music, it's crappy Swedish pop music. That's common YouTuber knowledge."
CardGamesFTW=- UNDER A Yu-Gi-Oh Christmas Carol:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Actually, Kaiba shows up in more than one episode of YuGiOh GX. I know, I counted when I watched- I have a lot of time on my hands. He was in two official episodes, one clip show that featured flashbacks that didn't even take place in GX, and basically Kaibaman, since Kaibaman was an identical character, right down to his deck. Actually, Kaibaman was supposedly MADE by Seto Kaiba, but it's hard to believe- since it's weaker than Kuriboh and only showed up with the purpose of being sacrificed."
hadryannah=- UNDER 4Kids Yu-Gi-Oh! Edits (part 3):
why'd they make Kaiba a douche? >_>
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
More like, why isn't he considered a big bad villian? Seriously, in the original manga, he built an entire section of an amusement park specifically to systematically torture- I am being literal here- Yugi and his friends! There is even a more or less censored version of it in Season Zero! And even in the 4Kids dub, he starts off the first episode kidnapping Yugi's Grandpa, stealing something from him, the putting him in a hospital for severe trama. Seriously, WTF?
rexludorum=- UNDER Yugioh: Dub vs. Original II:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Are you aware you were slightly off on almost every single point?
Mikey wasn't KINAPPED by a tank, just KILLED by one.
Raphel wasn't disowned. His family was overjoyed to find him alive. But after total solitude, the wear of day-to-day conflict disillusions him to the rest of the world.
Valon didn't HAVE the Seal of Orichalcos until Dartz gave it to him! DUH!
The 4th Warrior, Mai, was converted because one of the original three, Valon, was infatuated with her."
The seal WAS influencing Mai, but not controlling her- but this was only AFTER the card was played."
Vegeta8639=- UNDER DBZ World's Strongest Abridged Act 2:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I'm surprised they didn't make a joke when Goku's nuts froze over."
TeamFourStar=- UNDER TFS Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Parody Episode 4:
eartianwerewolf =
I am sorry to reference YYH but I can imagine Karasu saying the same things the snake goddess does XD
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"A reference to Yu Yu Hakusho is a compliment. You're wrong, though. Karasu's innuendos aren't as obvious as any abridged character's would be and they all have creepy twists."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"So, why exactly did Goku fall into Hell? He can just fly back up to Snake Way before even hitting the ground, can't he?"
lionofdemise =
"See in the non-abridged. Goku manage to get close enough to the clouds. But the clouds were like bricks, something he couldn't break through. That why once you fall into hell, no way of getting out."
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Yeah, but he woke up before he even dropped 4 feet from Snake Way, when he bonked his head."
"So, why exactly did Goku fall into Hell? He can just fly back up to Snake Way before even hitting the ground, can't he?"
"They couldn't fly yet then ;)"
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Of course they could! Point in case, how do you think he got away from Princess Snake?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Is princess snake the same species as Bojack? it looks like it orange hair and blue skin"
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Bojack is a disembodied pirate- exact words. Meaning he doesn't look like ANYTHING."
TeamFourStar=- UNDER TFS Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Parody Episode 4:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"You know the two star ball would have been funnier than the four star one for censoring Gohan's parts."
TeamFourStar=- UNDER TFS Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Parody Episode 5:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"If Gohan learns to dodge, he will officially surpassed his father."
TeamFourStar=- UNDER TFS Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Parody Episode 6:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"So who voiced the dragon?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
how come tien isnt in the credits? :\
What do you mean?
Tien IS in the credits. His real name is 'Tenshinhan'. Why Americanization made his name into Tien is beyond my understanding.
ME (freakishpurrrfection)=
Because it's shorter and easier for Americans to both spell and remember.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ME (freakishpurrrfection)=
"Ohhhh... Lani did the dragon's voice. I had forgotten the dragon's name was Shenron."
TeamFourStar=- UNDER TFS DBZA Parody Deleted Scene 2-4:
"did she really hav a gun in her hand in the show?"
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I somehow doubt it."
MsDBZbabe=-UNDER Babies?:
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"So even the milkman is a long-lost Saiyan? Figures."
ME (freakishpurrrfection)=
You know if you have a writer's block, I have a great solution: VISIT YOUR FAN FORUM SUGGESTION THREADS!! Isn't that what they're there for?
Lanipator =
I don't like to take suggestions though there in lies the problem. I don't think I created that thread >.>
ME (freakishpurrrfection)=
Then just take a joke from here and there and build around it. Think of it like incorperating a little DTV sidelines into the episode. For instance, run with the Kuwabara short sword joke. I think this line is a decent spring board:
"When exactly did Kuwabara's spiritual impudence kick in? When I was gone for 6 months?"-Yusuke
Profile Comments:
TeamFourStar's YouTube Profile
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I watched ALL of Dragonball Z as a kid, and even started on both Dragonball GT and the original Dragonball series. I was so obsessed with anime back then (heh, like I'm not now) that I didn't realize how much they sucked. In truth, I saw Team Four Star's Dragonball Z Abridged around, but discarded it on the notion that no DBZ Abridged could be good- mainly because I doubted you could even ABRIDGE it right. But due to the fact Lanipator was on the team, I eventually got around to watching it. And this stuff JUST BLOWS MY MIND!! But with names like Lanipator, Megami33, Ganxingba, and even the all-famous LittleKuriboh... Well, let's just say this is BEYOND supreme!"
IICanadianJutsuII's YouTube Profile
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"Mind re-uploading the first episode?"
Profile Comments:
Lanipator's YouTube Profile
ME (freakishpurrrfection):
"I absolutely LOVE your stuff! Your Yu Yu Hakusho: Poltergeist Report Abridged is better than any REAL anime movie I can think of! I do wish you had put that South Park 'Finger Bang' sound clip into the movie instead of Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged Episode 6, since that is your greatest masterpiece."
"You know if you have a writer's block, I have a great solution: VISIT YOUR FAN FORUM SUGGESTION THREADS!! Isn't that what they're there for?"
Naruto Episode 152:
"Did anyone else notice that fish was still squirming around when it was being thrown in the curry pot?"
(ICanadianJutsuI) Inuyasha The Abridged Sereies episode 9:
"I know Shippo's supposed to annoying but really... a ghetto-wannabe?"
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Best Avatar Scenes
EPISODE # (time= :-: of :)
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Monday, October 6, 2008
Best Rurouni Kenshin Scenes
EPISODE #19 (time= 13:27-14:43 of 20:02)
EPISODE #35 (time= 10:26-12:17 of 20:02)
EPISODE # (time= :-: of :)
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