Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Mother's Love by Kathryn J. Blair

"Owlets of the night,
Seek out their mothers
to teach them flight.

Flowers flourish at their own pace,
But though they contain the light of the sun,
They can never know a mothers face.

Mammals leaping to catch to the watertop's breeze,
Know of great happiness with mothers but little of their truest wonder
Whether they be as smart as dolphins or as friendly as manatees.

All tigers have a maternal instinct to protect,
To nurture, care for, and teach,
Yet even this is missing something they cannot detect.

But none of these,
whether from the lands and valleys,
Oceans and seas,
Or even those seeking skies or sunlight above,
Are one such as I,
Who sought and found a mother's love."-Kathryn J. Blair

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