Monday, April 9, 2007

"The Sarcasm Within"

"The Sarcasm Within"
By Kathryn J. Blair

Like I said; learn it, love it, live it.
You must imagine becoming one with sarcasm...
Then you must do as you envisioned...
When you come to a chasm, you can not use sardonicism- only sarcasm can level the ground.
Sarc-shark the Sarcastic must be freed from your rectom to swim up the spinal cord and channel itself into your brain.
When you finished this training, you master sarcasm- but first;
"I AM sarcasm..."
"I AM sarcasm..."
Then scream:
"I AM SARCASM!!! Only I can beat me!!"

Use your mastery of sarcastic self wisely.

P.S. (a later update) This was a couple in-jokes put together, divided between two different friends. And no, I don't remember what any of the originals were by now.

1 comment:

Maren said...

Love it! Hilarious.